Block Fourteen Kits Shipped September, October, November, and December 2021:
Whoops! If you received your final Boo Crew Box (Box Fourteen) in Sept 2021, Oct 2021, Nov 2021, Dec 2021 or Jan 2022, please read the following update:
Your BOX FOURTEEN FINISHING PATTERN contains one typo on Step Two of the first page of your pattern under Block and Assembly Preparation. Please do the following: Trim your center Haunted House Block to 16" wide by 20.5" tall.
Finishing Kits Shipped September, October, November, and December 2020:
Whoops! We duplicated two steps in the pattern included in your finishing kit. Your kit includes the proper amount of fabric. Please login to your account and click on Memberships -> Boo Crew -> Boo Crew Finishing Instructions to view the edits. This only applies to Finishing Kits shipped in September, October, November and December 2020.
If you no longer have access to this page within your account, simply submit a support ticket and we will activate your access again.